All One Guy Coding software is protected by copyright law; it is not public domain. You are granted a limited license to use One Guy Coding software for the purpose of evaluation of the software for a limited period not to exceed 30 days unless otherwise agreed upon by One Guy Coding. You are also granted a license to make and distribute complete and unmodified copies for the purpose of evaluation of the software by others. Permission is granted to distributors to charge a reasonable media and handling fee for diskettes or other media containing One Guy Coding software or for access to the software on bulletin boards or FTP sites. Use of One Guy Coding software beyond a 30 day evaluation period without payment of the $20.00 license fee is a copyright violation.
Payment of the $20.00 license fee entitles a single user to use all One Guy Coding software. When you have registered and paid your license fee and receive your registration code you have license to use all One Guy Coding software. This is the so-called "All in One Guy Coding Registration Code". "Single user" means that the software is to be used by only a single individual but the software may be installed for that one individual's use on multiple PCs (in the individual's office and home for example) OR the software may be installed on a single PC and be used by multiple individuals as long no two individuals can use the One Guy Coding software at the same time. Installation on multiple PCs or a network server with simultaneous access by multiple individuals requires a multi-user license. Details concerning site licenses are available at the One Guy Coding web site at
The software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.